How to Plan an Ideal Study Room?

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Besides my bedroom, the study room is the second place where I tend to spend most of my time, trying to bring my creative juices on a blank page. As such, it is crucial to gingerly organize this place, thereby creating a conducive study atmosphere. Here are some key aspects to consider when planning an ideal study room.

Luminosity and Ventilation

A well-lit room is essential to apply as less strain as possible on our eyes. If your study room is oriented towards day-light, make sure you have large windows to make the most out of it. After all, day-light is free, so help yourself! Do not hesitate to add more light sources if need be. Further, a well-ventilated room is favorable to better creativity. Inhaling fresh air delivers oxygen to your brain, which is essential. Hence, the size of your study room doesn’t matter. Not all of us can afford large spaces similar to those of stereotyped manoir born writers.

The study table

Keep your desk close to the window and clutter-free. Get your desk rid of books left to pile up with rough drafts. A minimalist desk is composed of only a few items like your laptop, a notebook, and a pen. The idea behind is to get you to focus on your task without being distracted by petty items scattered here and there.

Bookshelves and document storage cabinets

Your books deserve proper bookshelves, whereby they appear handy to you whenever you wish to shuffle through. Similarly, your loose sheets are meant for storage cabinets where misplacing them is unlikely.

A noise-proof room with a chill corner

Try to get your study room situated as far as possible from noisy spots of the house. A loud TV set or radio playing next to your study room is anathema to your focusing objectives. In addition, a silent atmosphere is always welcome when you wish to take a break from your workload. You can opt to lie down or chill on a couch, hence a little corner dedicated to relaxation. Leave your desk to disconnect from your current task and allow your mind to switch to an idle-mode to reset yourself. As a result, new ideas galore.

Last but not least, the decor

The decor is the final touch for your study room. Surround yourself with posters of inspiring people along with far-flung landscape photos or paintings. Glancing at those photos and pictures triggers one’s mind with new ideas and positivity.

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