Common Vitamins and Supplements to Treat alcoholism

CategoriesSober living

Vitamin C deficiency can result from low fruit and vegetable intake during alcohol addiction. Vitamin C deficiency is common in alcohol use disorders and can lead to additional health problems. Consuming vitamin C supplements may help protect against some of the toxic effects of alcohol because the vitamin is an antioxidant and may prevent inflammation throughout the body, including in the liver. Taking certain vitamins for detoxing from alcohol is essential to replenish any loss in a patient. Doing so improves overall health, prevents certain diseases and supports recovery. The following are alcohol withdrawal vitamins and minerals that are important to incorporate while detoxing from alcohol.

Even though vitamin C consumption has been shown to raise circulation levels of vitamin B9 and lower Hcy levels [118,120,121], the relationship between them remains unknown. Figure 3 summarizes the vitamins and their possible mechanisms of action against the liver injury caused by alcohol consumption. Vitamin E levels in the liver of alcoholics with cirrhosis are frequently low [96].

Foods for Your Brain

Unfortunately, the calories gained from alcohol and junk food are “empty calories.” That is, they are calories lacking nutrients and are of little value to the body. I discuss the benefits of these 7 fatty acids and amino acids for alcohol detox in much more detail in a related article. Because alcohol depletes so many important nutrients from the body, the root causes of withdrawal symptoms are often nutrient deficiencies that have built up over time. Without it, you can have strong cravings, mood swings, and hostile behavior.

  • Previous posts commented on evidence for natural supplements, weak electrical current, and mindfulness for reducing drug and alcohol use and treating symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Conversely, Gibson et al. [54] has shown that two weeks of moderate consumption of alcohol (i.e., red wine, or vodka) increased tHcy and reduced the statuses of both vitamin B9 and B12.
  • Digestive changes — such as vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea and a “bubbling gut” — are also common around the time of menstruation.
  • The trial found that vitamin D levels in healthy women increased by 43% and omega 3 levels increased by 41%.

You’ll probably need lots of small, healthy meals throughout the day. Switch up your meals by eating a range of foods from the groups you need. The latter can eventually The Missing Piece: The Spiritual Malady lead to vision problems, including night blindness. Because vitamin A is metabolized and stored in the liver, it is very likely to be low in a person abusing alcohol.

Nutrition Recommendations for Those who Consume Alcohol

The trial found that vitamin D levels in healthy women increased by 43% and omega 3 levels increased by 41%. With Ritual Essential multivitamin, you get nine vitamins and minerals that women often lack in their diet — including vitamin D, E, B12 and iron and folate. Ritual doesn’t have all the nutrients and vitamins found in other products, but that’s OK for the average person. It’s not the best pick for someone who needs a more comprehensive multivitamin. Supplementation of magnesium 500mg to 1500mg a day may improve cognitive deficits related to chronic alcohol abuse by enhancing cerebral flow that is often reduced in chronic alcoholics[25]. Recovery from alcohol addiction often requires a long healing process.

In effect, alcohol use abuse is considered a chronic disease that promotes the pathogenesis of many fatal diseases, such as cancer and liver cirrhosis. The alcohol effects in the liver can be prevented by antioxidant mechanisms, which induces enzymatic as well as other nonenzymatic pathways. However, these studies have been accompanied by uncertainty as mixed results were reported.

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