Carpets are not only the most frequently used items in the house, but they also tend to get dirty really quick. From dirt and dust to pet and human hair, there are quite a lot of things that can hide deep in the fibers. On top of that high number of microscopic things, such as allergens and bacteria, can also be found in dirty carpets. And while you may not be seeing any creepy crawlies in your house, it doesn’t mean that they are not there. In fact, most of those things may not be visible to the naked eye and can go unnoticed by you and your family as you go about your daily lives. Which explains why dirty carpets are known to cause serious illnesses. Hence, carpet cleaning must not be just an afterthought.
Whether you are a working mother, or you are single and living on your own, keeping your carpet clean and sanitary should be among your top priorities. If you don’t have the time to do regularly deep cleans on your carpet, don’t wait until it’s too late. Instead, consider hiring a company that can offer you professional services.
Things That Can Collect in Your Carpet
1. Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic creatures that live and thrive in dirty carpet and upholstery. These unwanted guests are resistant creatures that cannot be removed by a simple vacuuming. Generally, shampooing and the hot water extraction process will be needed to properly remove them from carpet and upholstery. While you may not see them, and they may not pose a serious health hazard in and of themselves, the feces and body fragments that they leave behind can cause allergy problems if breathed in.
2. Fleas
Imagine having treated your pet for fleas only to find out after a few days that they’ve become infested again? If you are wondering how that happened even though they have not been in contact with other animals, look no further than the carpet in your home.
These pesky pests are notoriously difficult to eradicate. They are so tiny that they can easily hide in your caret and go unnoticed for the longest time. Instead of being stuck in a cycle of removing them only to find another invasion in your home, clean your carpet thoroughly on the same day you wash your pet.
3. Dirt and airborne particles
Airborne particles, such as bacteria, cigarette smoke, and exhaust particulates, can lodge within your carpet. Since carpets have depth, dirt and particles may be deep enough that household vacuums are unable to remove them.
A piece of professional equipment with enough suction power will have to be used to remove these microscopic particles. If left unattended, these particles will not only stain your carpet and cause odors but also increase risks of allergies and breathing problems.
4. Soil and other contaminants
Soil and contaminants can penetrate deep into your carpet and get trapped there. While vacuuming can help get rid of dirt and dust, it will not be able to get rid of soil and contaminants if they are too deep in the fibers of the carpet.
Embedded dirt and odors can only be completely removed by professional cleaning. If not removed, dander, soil, and pollen will accumulate in the fibers of the carpet and cause seasonal allergies to flare up.
5. Mold
Mold is a type of fungus that feeds on a food source, moisture, and oxygen to grow. It is commonly found in the air and spread through spores. Once mold attaches itself to a surface, it can spread very rapidly.
Carpets are especially at risk because they are a rich source of food for mold. If the spores land on a wet or damp spot of carpet that has dust, they will feed off that to spread in the carpet. It will eventually gradually migrate to other areas of your house. This can cause respiratory allergies, eye, skin, nose and throat infection and even asthma attacks.
Dangers of Not Keeping Your Carpet Clean

There is one thing you need to remember: pets and children spend a lot of time on the carpet. From shedding to dander falling off, your beloved pet leaves a wide range of deposits into the carpet. These deposits are highly likely to cause strange odors and allergy problems in the long term. Since kids love crawling on floors and laying down on carpets, this means that they run higher chances of exposure to allergens and dust mites.
To effectively protect your child, it would be wise to invest in regular cleaning of the carpet , whether it is an old carpet or a brand new one. This ensures that your carpet stays clean and safe for your family.
It helps to know that simply vacuuming is not enough to completely clean a carpet for it to be safe for people with allergic reactions. I’ve been planning to invite my relatives over to celebrate new year’s eve, but I heard that some of them sneeze very easily in the presence of dust, so I wanted to prepare for that. Just so we can have our carpets out while being considerate to them, I’ll look for any carpet cleaning experts in the area.
Thank you so much for talking about how easily mold can grow on carpets when left unchecked. This could be twice as dangerous for us now since we eat at home a lot and end up spilling crumbs or juice on some of our carpets every often. I’ll make sure to take this seriously and find a carpet cleaning service I can visit regularly so we can avoid mold growth at all costs.